Big Brother
![[Image:Big Brother]](img/acnl/QR1_-_big_brother.jpg)
100% Citizen Approval or else.
These are the various QR codes for designs I've made in Animal Crossing: New Leaf.
I used to post them to the QRCrossing site, but it seems to be gone so I might as well upload them here.
100% Citizen Approval or else.
Obligatory best pony.
Psy's blue coat from Gangnam Style. I made this after realizing the character animation while checking your inventory looks kinda like Psy's Gentleman dance.
Earl of Lemongrab outfit I made for my second character.
Rainbow Dash's outfit from the Equestria Girls movies, one with her skirt and one without.
Based on the Red Coat of Doom in the avatar I've used for years:
Star Butterfly's outfit from the cartoon Star vs. the Forces of Evil.
This is the Crystal Prep Academy uniform worn by EQG Twilight in the Friendship Games movie.
I really liked the EQG Rainbow Dash shirt I made, but I wanted something non-pony so I made this generic Animal Crossing version.